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Card Types

- Red Debit Cards, starting with BIN 92

- Non-Red Cards, that the BIN is different from 92 and can be:





AIS (American International Services)



Features of the Red Debit Card

The Bandec Red Debit Card is a magnetic stripe card intended to serve as a means of payment valid exclusively in the National Territory, it can be in MLC or MN.

5.1 They have printed on the front the following information that makes their identification possible: Personal authentication number (PAN), Name and Surname of the holder, Expiration date and product.

5.1.1 The personal authentication number identifies its holder and links it to its issuing bank, its bank account and the services it may receive.

- Virtual Bandec: Remote banking for legal persons (including Self-Employed Workers) that allows customers, from their jobs, to operate their entity's accounts, request checkbooks, execute transfers, pay taxes, obtain their Statements of Account, etc.

- Kiosk: Remote Banking for natural persons that enables access from any device connected, at least, to the Cuban Intranet. It allows you to check the balance of your accounts, make transfers, execute payments for services and taxes to ONAT, retrieve vouchers, increase the balance of your fund formation accounts, amortize credits, etc.

- Mobile Banking (Transfermóvil): ETECSA application made available to banks to make it easier for customers of mobile telephony to consult their accounts associated with Red Debit Cards, carry out transfers, pay different services and pay taxes on ONAT, etc.

Some Functions of the Branch Specialists who attend the Electronic Banking activity:

6.1 Attend everything related to Virtual Bandec at the branch level, be it the creation of new users, such as updating them. As well as providing advice.

6.2 Attend to all clients that appear in branches for the services of Remote Banking to individuals (kiosk), Electronic Banking and Mobile Transfer.

6.3 Use the SMPE website for everything related to the following processes that are executed:

· Personalization and / or Modification of cards (payroll, savings, subsidies, wholesalers, agriculture, collaborators, retirees, TCP and Multibanking) Accreditation.
· Claims of ATMs and POS.

6.4 They are those designated to support the generation of the multi-bank pin by the kiosk or Transfermóvil, with due attention to the customer.

6.5 Be aware of the modifications made in SABIC's procedures and transactions based on and study of the User Manual.

6.6 Analyze the requests received for the direct debit of the payroll and the stimulus payment to the workers by means of the Red Debit Card, submitting to the Electronic Banking department of the Provincial Directorate those that conform to the established Strategy, following up on the response and the corresponding processing by the branches.

6.7 Address and respond appropriately to complaints and claims received about Electronic Banking services and respond directly to claims that are presented at the branch level.

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