Flora and fauna


Among many others is the national bird known as Tocororo, the Cartacuba and the Green Woodpecker, these are exclusive species of our country that liven up the park's landscape with its attractive colors and her singing.

There are also small gems such as the Almiquí, giant insectivorous and living fossil, which is only very rarely found in the most natural places in this park.

The park currently has two small visitor centers, several administrative facilities, lodging and camping sites, proposed routes, and trained personnel.

This park has historically been little used by man. During the 18th and 19th centuries it was used as a refuge or palenques for black runaway slaves known as maroons.

The beginnings of this park date back to the 1960s with the declaration of the Jagüaní and Cupeyal del Norte nature reserves and in the late 1980s with the proposal of the Ojito wildlife refuge of water.

In 1996 these protected areas were unified to create the National Park, later this is part of the two Cuban proposals to UNESCO to be declared a World Heritage Site.


In the municipality there are various plant forms among which stand out:

Evergreen mesophilic forest: Very widespread, originally they occupied sub-mountainous heights between 300-800 meters, nowadays they are areas mostly transformed by agricultural activity.

As noted above, this type of forest originally had to occupy large areas in the municipality, but currently they are practically extinct and replaced by large coffee plantations.

Formation of coniferous forests or pine forest: It is characteristic in the municipality, it has a stratocarbon, practically integrated by a single species in the case that concerns us the cubense pine. In general, they can present shrubs, herbaceous plants, few epiphytes and lianas.
For the municipality, they can acquire greater structural and floristic complexity, since elements from other plant formations that are related to its distribution area enter; Example: pine forests on limestone and pine forests on streamers.

Bosques de galerías: Se encuentra asociado a los ríos y arroyos, pueden variar desde bosques hasta comunidades arbustivas herbáceas condicionales a las orillas de estos cuerpos de agua. En ellas se presentan árboles, palmas, arbustos, herbáceos y lianas, los cuales son mayormente siempre verdes.

En condiciones particulares pueden alternar por parte con otras formaciones de vegetales como: el bosque fluvial y siempre verde.

Materiales xiromorfos espinosos sobre serpentinas (charascal): Ocupan en el municipio topográficamente la parte superior del macizo que lo transita y se desarrollan en áreas de afloramiento de un manto de peridotitos serpentínizadas de color pardo rojizo. Aquí se presenta con estrato arbustivo denso de 4 a 6 metros de altura con arbustos emergentes de 7 a 10 metros, hay presencia de herbáceos dispersos, lianas y epifitos. Este matorral se presentan a una altura que oscila entre 600 y más de 900 metros.

En general los recursos forestales del municipio son abundantes, el 87 % de la superficie del territorio esta cubierta por bosques naturales que dan un 13% de área deforestadas.
El bosque cumple en el territorio con dos funciones fundamentales:

  1. El bosque protector.
  2. El bosque productor

Las áreas boscosas situadas al norte y parte del centro se les han suspendido los tratamientos silviculturales, no ejecutándose la tala por la reserva del pájaro carpintero.
La especies más importante son: el Ocuje, Najesí, cedro, granadillo, pino baria, eucalipto, Majagua, Almacigo, carrascales entre otras. Las mayores áreas la ocupan los pinos.

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